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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2005;43(9):1-13.
인터넷쇼핑몰 이용 소비자의 쇼핑스타일 유형에 관한 연구
The Study on Typology of Internet Shopping Style in Internet Shopping Mall Users
Hyejung Cheon, Moon Sook-jae, Lee Youn Hee
Dept. of Consumer Science and Human Development, Ewha Womans University
The purposes of this study were to classify internet shopping mall user by their shopping styles and to define the characteristics of the classified individual clusters. Questionnaires were completed by 338 men and women who have used internet shopping malls at lead once during the previous 6 months. The internet shopping styles were classified into 4 clusters after factor analysis and k-means cluster analysis. Cluster I, named 'high brand proneness', can be described as having low score on devotee tendency. Cluster II, named 'high value proneness', is characterized by a high score on seeking substance. Cluster III, called 'steadiness orientation', can be described as having a tow score on seeking trend and substance. Cluster IV, named 'individuality inclination', can be described as having low score on seeking trend. These four clusters differ in terms of socio-demographic and environmental characteristics such as gender, age, educational level, occupation, and internet using time. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
Keywords: 인터넷 쇼핑, internet shopping, 인터넷 쇼핑 스타일, internet shopping style, 인터넷 쇼핑몰 이용자, internet shopping mall user
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