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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2005;43(8):161-174.
커뮤니케이션 도구로서의 메시지 티셔츠에 관한 연구
A Study on the Use of T-Shirts as a Form of Communication
Sung-Sun Hong
Dept. of Fashion Design, Kimpo College
The purpose of this study was to examine the history and significance of t-shirts used in school that have a dress code to examine the meaning of the various messages that appears on t-shirts and also to examine how these t-shirts are used as form of communication. Many people that have strong social or political views or opinions use t-shirts with message as a means of communicating their opinion and views. Due to the low cost and ease in manufacturing these types of t-shirts, it is possible to express various slogans, messages and drawings. Based on our observations, there were various messages on t-shirts such as, 'no war', 'peace', 'no drugs', 'anti-smocking', 'protect the environment' and 'race or sex discrimination' among others. In this study, t-shirts were grouped based on their messages. T-shirts were put in to the following groups anti- war t-shirts, political t-shirts, t-shirts with messages about social issues and t-shirts with messages about fashion. Both international and domestic t-shirts were examined.
Keywords: 메시지 티셔츠, message t-shirts, 슬로건 티셔츠, slogan t-shirts, 반전티셔츠, no war t-shirts, 정치적 티셔츠, political t-shirts
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