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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2005;43(8):99-114.
유아환경교육프로그램이 환경오염에 대한 지식, 정서적 태도, 행동통제감 및 행동의도에 미치는 효과
Effects of an Early Childhood Environmental Education Program on Knowledge, Emotional Attitude, Perceived Behavior Control, and Behavioral Intention toward Environmental Pollution
Gi-Nam Gwon, Yoo, An-Jin
Child Educare and Research Center, Seoul National University, Department of Child Development and Family Studies, Seoul National University
The aim of this study was to estimate the effects of an early childhood environmental education program developed on the basis of relationships among preschoolers' knowledge, emotional attitude, and perceived behavior control of environmental pollution on their knowledge, emotional attitude, perceived behavior control, and behavioral intention. A total of 146 five-year-old preschoolers from eight child-care centers in Seoul and Kyoungki Province participated in this study. The following are the main results of this study. first, the higher the level of knowledge the preschoolers had, the more negative emotional attitude they displayed. Furthermore, the more negative emotional attitude they displayed, the higher the level of perceived behavior control they had. On the contrary, the relationships between knowledge and perceived behavior control varied with exposure situation to environmental pollution. Second, after the environmental education program was administered to the experimental group, the preschoolers from experimental group exhibited more knowledge, more negative emotional attitude, higher perceived behavior control and more active behavioral intention towards environmental pollution than those in the control group.
Keywords: 유아환경교육프로그램, early childhood environmental education program, 지식, knowledge, 정서적 태도, emotional attitude, 행동통제감, perceived behavior control, 행동의도, behavioral intention
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