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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2005;43(7):53-65.
도시 취업주부 가계의 가족체계역동성 및 경제복지감
A Study of Urban Employed Housewives' Dynamics of Family System and Their Economic Well-Being
Eulyong Yoo, Kye Sun-Ja, Kang Hye-Kyoung
Dept. of Child & Family Environment, Dongeui University, Dept. of Family Resource Management, Sookmyung Women's University
We analyzed the dynamics of the family system and the economic well-being by utilizing the socio-demographic objective economic and subjective economic factors of urban employed housewives. The survey was conducted in Seoul and three other major cities. The subjects consisted of employed housewives in these areas who were currently cohabiting with their spouses and had at least one child. The preliminary and main survey questionnaires were distributed between November 12, 2001 and February 27, 2002, and 254 survey questionnaires were collected and analyzed We applied the frequency, average, percentage, Cronbach's α, simple regression and multiple regression analysis by using SPSS/PC WIN. The findings were as follows. First, the mean score of the availability of life information was 3.21. Second, when the stability of husband occupation increased, the dynamics of family system worked very well. Third, the dynamics of family system didn't have any influence on the economic well-being.
Keywords: 취업주부, employed housewives, 가족체계역동성, the dynamics of family system, 경제복지감, economic Well-being
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