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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2005;43(6):1-12.
한국전래동화를 통한 활동중심 독서지도가 아동의 읽기태도 및 읽기이해에 미치는 영향
The Effect of Activities-Centered Reading based on Korean Fairy Tales on Children's Reading Attitude and Comprehension
Yeon Suk Yang
Dept. of Child Welfare, Hyejeon College
This research analyzed the effect of activity-centered reading band on Korean fairy tales on children's reading attitude and comprehension. The reading altitude of the experimental-group children exhibited more meaningful change in such subordinate areas as academic reading attitude. The academic reading attitude of the male experimental-group had higher improvement than that of the female experimental-group. In addition, the reading comprehension scores of the experimental-group children were higher than those of the control-group children. The reading program effects on reading comprehension were more meaningful in girls in the experimental group than boys in the group. Therefore, the results of this study have demonstrated the necessity of the development and application of a Korean fairy tales program for reading and an activity-centered reading program.
Keywords: 한국전래동화, Korean fairy tales, 활동중심독서지도, activity-centered reading, 읽기태도, reading attitude, 읽기이해력, reading comprehension
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