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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2005;43(5):149-161.
시대별 장애아동 관련 신물 보도 경향에 관한 연구
The Periodic Trend of Newspaper Reports Regarding Disabled Children
Yong-Shin Hong, Chun, Hui-Young
Dongsin Elementary School, Dept. of Child Studies, Kosin University
The purpose of this study was to use content analysis for the periodic trend of newspapers regarding disabled children in the 1960s (1961, 1962), 1980s (1981, 1982) and 2000s (2001,2002), at intervals of 20 years with the Year of World Disabled People (1981) as the basic point. The results showed that the number of articles was increasing. Topics such as 'medical rehabilitation'. or 'educational environment' were emphasized in the 1960s, 'the environment for social awareness' in the 1980s, and 'educational environment' and 'environment for social awareness' in the 2000s. As for the types of disability, general disability, physical disability, sight impairment, hearing impairment, and other disabilities were covered, but the range of coverage was not comprehensive. The framing pattern followed the trend of the times, with marginal flaming on the decline and diverse framing on the rise. The tones of the articles were positive on the whole.
Keywords: 장애아동, disabled children, 신문 보도 경향, trend of newspaper reports, 내용분석, content analysis
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The Expectations of Mothers and Teachers Regarding Development of Three-Year-old Children  1998 April;36(4)
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