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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2005;43(5):117-130.
다아트 구성에 대한 비교고찰 - 하반신 의복을 중심으로 -
The Comparative Consideration of the Dart Design - Centering on Trousers and Skirt -
Ok Im Jung
Dept. of Home Economics Education Chosun University
Western clothing is adjusted to the figures of the human body unlike Korean traditional clothes. For this adjustment, we need a method, known as dart, to reasonably adjust a wide circumference to curves of the human body. So far, there has been some research in the aspect of clothing engineering on how to decide darts of skirts or trousers, but no theoretical research has yet been conducted on how to decide the number and amount of dart, which has caused difficulties in beginners' understanding of dart. Futhermore, there is no consistent drawing method for the number and amount of darts in existing teaching and teaming materials. Therefore, to develop teaching and teaming methods for darts, this study identified the amount and number of darts for waist girth of 66-72cm and a hip girth of 86-102cm. When the difference between the waist girth and the hips girth, including margins, is above a minimum of 26cm, two darts can be designed, but when the difference is below 24cm, one dart is necessary. The amount of darts increases by 0.5cm for every 2cm increase of the hip girth to the waist girth. In addition, as darts become longer, the cutting of the waist line becomes smoother. For one, rather than two, darts the curve of the waist line is steeper. Based on the above results, it was assured that when belts are curved through adjustment to the waist line of skirts or slacks, their composition can be stable. Therefore, in basic teaching about slacks and skirts, the number and amount of the darts should be designed according to the difference between the girths of the waist and the hip. This difference should be a minimum of 24cm, but if it is below 24cm, the number of darts needed is one
Keywords: 교수 학습방법, Teaching Learning, 다아트 구성, Darts Construction, 다아트 갯수, Darts Number, 다아트 분량, Darts Excess
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The Comparative Consideration on the Basic pattern of Geo-go-ri  1994 May;32(1)
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