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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2005;43(5):107-115.
색상 면적비 변화에 따른 한복배색의 조화감 비교 연구 - 톤 온 톤 배색을 중심으로 -
A Comparative Study of the Harmony of coloration according to Transformation of Color Area-Ratio in Traditional Korean Dress - On the Tone on Tone coloration -
Kyung-Ja Kim, Chu Mi-Seon, Paeng Suk-Kyung
Dept. Clothing & textile, Gyeong Sang National Univ., Chinju National University Of Education
The purpose of this research was to compare the harmony of tone on tone coloration according to transformation of color area-ratio in traditional Korean dress. The respondents were asked to evaluate 36 stimuli of the traditional Korean skirt and jacket with different color tone. The subjects were 83 female undergraduate students. The results are as follows. For red colors, combinations of vivid/dull, vivid/dark, and light/dark made a difference in the harmony of coloration according to the transformation of color area-ratio. For yellow colors, combinations of vivid/dark, light/dull, and light/dark made a difference in the harmony of coloration according to the transformation of color area-ratio. For green colors, combinations of vivid/dull, vivid/dark, light/dull, and light/dark made a difference in the harmony of coloration according to the transformation of color area-ratio.
Keywords: 톤 온 톤 배색, tone on tone coloration, 한복, Korean dress, 조화, harmony, , tone, 색상면적비, color area-ratio
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