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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2005;43(5):81-91.
일상생활에서 나타나는 청소년기 우울증의 정서적 증상 - 대인맥락 변화를 중심으로 -
Manifestation of Affect States Across Daily Interpersonal Contexts Depending on the levels of Adolescent Depression
Meery Lee, Kim Jinhan
Department of Youth Education & Leadership, Korea National Sport University, Division of Liberal Art, Korea National Sport University
The goal of this study was to investigate the daily manifestation of positive and negative affect states of early adolescent depression across daily interpersonal contexts. Forty-five boys and 44 girls in the second `year of middle schools participated and were classified into 3 groups according to CDI scores. Among 89 students 59 students in the highest or the lowest CDI groups continued to participate in the next step of this study. Using the Experience Sampling Method(ESM), the 59 students reported their affect states 6 times per day across four daily interpersonal contexts: the contexts alone, with all classmates, with a few friends, and with family members. The major findings were as follows. frst, the high CDI group felt more worried, angrier, more hurried, less happy, less interested, less control, and less relaxed than the low CDI adolescent group. Second, the negative affect states of the high CDI adolescent group did not vary across the interpersonal contexts, whereas their positive affect states were the highest in the context with a few friends. Implications of the findings were discussed in illuminating the phenomenology of adolescent depression.
Keywords: 청소년, adolescents, 정서, affect states, 우울증, depression, 대인맥락, interpersonal contexts, 경험표집방법, ESM
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