Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2005;43(5):1-14.
유아의 개인 및 부모특성과 정서이해와 정서조절간의 관계
The Relation between Preschoolers' Individual and Parents' Characteristics and Preschoolers' Emotional Understanding and Regulation
Hae Ryoun Lee, Choi Bo-Ga
Child and Family Studies, Kyungpook National Univ.
This study investigated the relation between preschoolers' individual and parents 'characteristics and preschoolers' emotional understanding and regulation. Subjects were 2004 and 5-year-old children and their parents. Interview tasks were used as research instruments used to measure preschoolers 'emotional understanding and regulation. Preschoolers' temperament and parents characteristics were measured by questionnaires based on several previous studies. The results revealed that preschooler's emotional understanding and regulation were significantlv different according to mothers' attitude style, emotional expressiveness, and attitude toward children's emotional expressiveness. The results are consistent with recent research showing that parents emotional socialization may be important for preschoolers' emotional understanding and regulation.