Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2005;43(4):49-63.
의복구매동기에 의한 중국 20~30대 중,상류층 여성소비자시장 세분화
Segmentation of Middle and High Class Chinese Women in their 20's and 30's based on Clothing Purchasing Motive
Hye Won Park, Chun Ji Zhang
Dept. of Fashion Design, Osan College, on & on , Beaucre Merchandising Co., Ltd
The Purposes of this study were to segment Chinese consumers by clothing Purchase motive, and then to analyze and compare the clothing purchasing behavior among the segmented groups. The subjects were 655 career women of middle and high class in their 20's and 30's living in Benjing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Changchun. A total of 655 questionnaires were analyzed by using frequency, mean, factor analysis, ANOVA, Duncan's multiple range test, cluster analysis, and X² _ test. The results were as follows: 1. Chinese consumers were segmented into clothing high-involvement group, fashion pursuing group, practicality pursuing group, and characterless group. 2. The clothing purchase behavior variables such as purchasing motive, using informants, clothing selection standards, store selection standards, purchasing place, satisfaction after purchasing clothes, price of purchase, shopping time, shopping companion, and paying method were significantly different among the 4 segmented groups. 3. The demographic variables such as a city, marriage, total monthly income, and average monthly expenditure on clothing were significantly different among the 4 segmented groups.