Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2005;43(4):17-30.
아파트 거주자의 가사작업공간 사용행태와 의식
Behavioral Patterns Perception in the Kitchen and Utility Space among Apartment Resident's
Jin-Young Kim, Kang, Soon-Joo
Depart. of Consumer Science & Housing, Konkuk Univ.
The Purpose of this study was firstly to identify the living characteristics of apartment residents in relation to the behavioral patterns in the kitchen and utility space and secondly to present the basic material necessary for planning the kitchen and utility space of future desirable apartments with consideration for resident usage. The findings are summarized as follows : 1) Behavioral patterns in the kitchen and utility space were classified as personal life, family with harmony, talking with visitors, caring for children, cleaning, cooking, and keeping and connecting. 2) Behavioral patterns in He kitchen and utility space showed patterns on personal life, family with harmony, and talking with visitors and were used in the kitchen including the dining room. 3) As the required kitchen size and sink arrangement varied according to the kinds of furniture appliance, plan for the kitchen wok is very necessary.