Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2005;43(3):199-219.
20, 30대 이혼 남녀의 이혼 후 적응 -이혼 후 생활변화, 개인적 자원, 대인관계 자원을 중심으로-
Predictors of Post-Divorce Adjustment - Among Divorced Men and Women in their 20s and 30s -
So Young Kwon, Ok, Sun Wha
Dept. of Child Development & Family Studies, Seoul National Univ.
The purpose of this study was to examine how life-changes after divorce, individual resources, and interpersonal resources affect post-divorce adjustment. Especially it focuses on gender differences. Data were collected from 114 divorced men and 112 divorced women in their 20s and 30s with the inclusion criteria of 1) having hen divorced for at least 6 months but less than 5 years, and 2) not having remarried after divorce. AH divorced men and women were interviewed with self-report questionnaires. The analysis included frequencies, means, t-test, crosstabs, and hierarchical multiple regression models. The major findings were as follows. 1) Divorced women were better adjusted than divorced men. 2) Fnancial satisfaction and health problems were important factors for both divorced men and women. 3) There were gender differences in the variables that affected post-divorce adjustment. Social support and significant others' attitude toward divorce influenced post-divorce adjustment for divorced men. For divorced women, negative change in financial circumstances, their own attitude toward divorce and divorce initiation found significant. This study showed that there were gender differences in the factors affecting Post)divorce adjustment. The findings of this study suggest that a program for supporting divorced men and women should consider gender differences.