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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2005;43(3):161-183.
이혼 부모와 자녀의 건강한 사회적응을 위한 통합적 집단치료 모형 개발
The Development of all Integrated Group Therapy Model for Divorced Families' Better Adjustment
Moon Ja Chung, Kim, Eun Young
Dep't. of Child and Family Studies, Yonsei Univ.
This study aimed to develop a comprehensive group therapy program for divorced parents and their children for increased self-esteem, problem-solving technique, communication ability and emotional support. This comprehensive program was based on Solution-Focused and Satir's Experiential Family Therapy Models, as well as on therapeutic activities from various sources. Six mothers and 18 children of divorced families participated in this program which consisted of six, two-hour sessions. This program was found to be effective in enhancing the participants' self-esteem and communicative ability in addition to emotional support between mothers and their children, and among participants. Therapeutic activities were implemented in harmony with the Solution and Experiential based values and techniques, which seemed to heighten the fun and motivation for the participants to change their view points and behaviors in a positive way.
Keywords: 통합적 집단치료모형, comprehensive group therapy program, 이혼가족의 사회적응, social adjustment of the divorced family, 집단상담, group therapy, 탄력성, resilience, 경험적 가족치료, experiential family therapy, 해결중심치료, solution-focused therapy, 치료적 활동, therapeutic activities
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