Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2005;43(3):147-159.
외식업체 e-서비스회복에 대한 공정성 지각이 고객행동에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
Effect of Justice Perception of Restaurant e-Service Recovery on Customer Behavioral Intentions
Tae-Hee Kim, Kim, Le-Sook, Jang, Yeajin
Dept. of Food Service Management, Kyunghee Univ.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of justice (distributive, interactional, and procedural) perception of e-service recovery in restaurant businesses on e-service recovery satisfaction, negative word of mouth, trust, and commitment. We designed a quasi-experimental study using eight different scenarios of justice application. One of the eight scenarios was distributed to each respondent to read, and the respondent then answered regarding feelings and subsequent action. Data analysis was based on 232 usable responses. The results imply that interactional justice is more important than other forms of justices in e-service recovery of restaurant businesses, indicating that restaurants must approve the service failure, make an apology to the customer, and maintain a courteous attitude at all times. In addison, the restaurant has to consider an e-service recovery program as a long-term strategy because the effect of e-service recovery in restaurant businesses grows slowly and takes time-consuming effort.