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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2005;43(3):233-249.
대학생을 위한 예비부모교육 프로그램 구성
Pre-Parent Education Program Development
Jung-Mi Kim
Dept. of Early Childhood Education, Sahmyook College
The aim of this study was to construct a pre-parent education program for unmarried university students on theological, practical, and psychological bases. Literature related to this subject was reviewed. and the social needs of pre-parent education, the developmental-psychological needs of university students, and the satisfaction of a pre-parent education program were investigated. A pre-parent education program consisting of 3 thematic areas was identified for future parents: the need to improve knowledge, attitudes, and skills. The program content areas were; self awareness, family life-cycle and parental role and social issues arising from dysfunctional family behavior. Multiple instructional strategies were used such as lectures, video tapes, reflective thinking, discussions, debates, role-plays, group presentations, and personality inventories over the course of 16 weeks. The assessment also identified 3 thematic areas and demonstrated improvement of knowledge, altitudes, and skills in the 3 areas.
Keywords: 예비부모교육, Pre-parent education, 예비부모교육 프로그램, Preparenting program
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