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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2005;43(2):127-142.
한국 전통음식에 대한 학교급식 영양사의 의식 조사
Consciousness on the Korean Traditional Food of School Food Service Dietitians
Lan-Hee Jung, Kyung-Ae Kim, Eun-Raye Jeon, Jeong-Ah Jeong
Dept. of Home Economics Education, Chonnam National University, Dept. of Food Technology, Sunghwa College, Gangjin Jungang Primary School
The purpose of this study was to investigate the consciousness of dietitians who provide the basic data for the utilization of traditional food in school food service. The conclusions of this study are as follows. The rate of recognition and awareness of traditional Korean food as the pursuit of learning about socio-demographic was generally high, and was remarkable in the elderly dietitians who have worked for a long term. The way how they learned about traditional Korean food was through media, school education, books, and home education, in order. Also, the dietitians who are relatively older or have worked for a long term have pride in traditional food because it suited their taste and was our traditional food. However, it was difficult to provide the food to school food service because the cooking process is complex, and students don's prefer it. Accordingly, improvements of recipe with use of traditional Korean food in school food service are urgently required. The dietitians in Gwangju City in Jeonnam province felt the need to make a standard traditional Korean food recipe, and the demand was especially the strongest among dietitians who have worked from 6 to 10 years. They suggested that the standard recipe should be made by the Korean Dietetic Association, dietitians working at school, Ministry of Education & Human Resource Development, professors majoring in Food & Nutrition, and Ministry of Health & Welfare in order.
Keywords: 한국 전통음식, traditional Korean food, 학교 급식, school food service, 영양사, dietitians, 의식, Consciousness
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