Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2005;43(2):105-114.
성에 대한 태도, 신체만족도가 신체 노출 의복의 구매의사에 미치는 영향
Influence of Sexual Attitude and Body Satisfaction on Buying Intention of Body Exposed Clothing
Soo Kyong Kim
Dept. of Traditional Korean fashion design, Baewha women's college
The purpose of this study wasisto investigate the influence of attitude toward sex and body satisfaction in the on interest, preference, and buying intention of body exposed clothing among female university students. The Susubject were 397 female students from 3 different universities in Seoul. The instruments of this study wereconsisted of response scale and stimuli. Thirty-four four items on a of 5-point Likert scale were used to measure the attitude towards sex and body satisfaction The stimuli were 6 types of different body exposed clothing style on line drawing. The results were as follow; 1. Most female students were liberal in sexual attitude and had a high level of body satisfaction. Especially, younger students were more liberal than older students. 2. Designs with the greatest interest, preference and that were most interested in, prefer and had buying intention were Camisole, V-neckline and low-neckline designed clothes. 3. Attitude toward sexual value has a strong effect on interest, preference, and buying intention of body exposed clothing. And also ilneterest of body exposed clothing has more effect on buying intention than preference.