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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2005;43(1):243-253.
웨딩드레스 인터넷 광고유형에 따른 광고효과 -고정배너형, 팝업형, 플래쉬형 배너광고를 중심으로-
Advertising Effect of Wedding Internet Advertisement Types -Static, Pop-Up, & Flash Banners-
Seung-Hee Lee
Sungshin Women's University, Dept. of Clothing & Textilesw
The purpose of this study was to examine the advertising effects of wedding internet advertisement types such as Static, pop-up, and flash banners. The survey subjects were 604 unmarried female consumers, consisting 202 in the static banner group, 201 in the pop-up banner group, and 201 in the flash banner group. Descriptive statistics, ANOVA, and Duncan test were used for data analysis. In the results, regarding the attitude toward advertisement, pop-up banner was the most effective on the cognitive component, while static banner was the most effective on the behavioral component. Regarding the attitude toward brand, pop­up and flash banner advertisements were more effective than static banner. However, there were no significant differences between the 3 groups in purchasing intention. Based on these results, strategies for wedding dress internet advertisement were suggested
Keywords: 웨딩드레스, wedding dress, 인터넷 광고효과, Internet advertisement effect, 광고태도, attitude toward ad., 브랜드태도, attitude toward brand
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