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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2005;43(1):177-189.
과제 및 기질에 따른 유아의 스트레스 대처 전략
A Study of Preschooler's Stress Coping Strategies Depending on Task and Temperament
Jimin Kim, Yoo, An Jin
Dept. of Child Development & Family Studies, Seoul National Univ.
This study investigated 3- and 5-year-old preschoolers' stress coping strategies depending on tasks, and whether preschoolers' stress coping strategies in each task depended on their temperament types. Subjects were 96 3- and 5-year-old preschoolers selected from three day-care centers in Seoul, Kounggi. A Parent Temperament Questionnaire for preschooler was used, and the coping strategies which each preschooler showed in task with perceived controllable, task with perceived uncontrollable were recorded by a video camera. Preschoolers' stress coping strategies recorded by a video camera were transcribed and analyzed according to the categories the researcher generated. Data were analyzed by paired t-tests and t-tests. As a results, there was a significant differences in preschoolers' stress coping strategies depending on the tasks and a significant temperament type difference in the preschoolers' stress coping strategies in each task.
Keywords: 과제, task, 기질, temperament, 스트레스 대처 전략, stress coping strategy
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A Study on Preschool Child's Imaginative Play and Play Materials  1982 December;20(4)
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