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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2005;43(1):1-15.
제7차 고등학교 가정과학 교육과정에 대한 평가
Evaluation of the 7th Home Economics Science Curriculum in High School
Ji Yeon Yoo, Shin, Sang Ok
Hansung Girls' High School, Dept. of Home Economics Education, Chungang university
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the propriety of various aspects of the 7th home economics science curriculum in high school. In this study, home economics education experts participated in a three-round Delphi survey. The findings of this study were as follows: First, the experts evaluated that the subject arrangement and title 'home economics science' were inadequate. Second, the experts evaluated that the characteristics of home economics science were similar to those in prior home economics curricula, and that the characteristics of the subject were also ambiguous. Third, the experts evaluated that the objectives of home economics science were too technically presented, and pointed out that the objectives are not distinct from those of prior home economics courses as they are too general and abstract. Fourth, the experts evaluated that the content of home economics science was deficient in its hierarchy and integration. Moreover, the contents do not sufficiently reflect the characters of the learners or their social demands. Fifth, the experts evaluated that the teaching/learning methods of home economics science were stated for the sake of formality only. Even though it provides many methods, it is not practical in the current educational situation. Sixth, the experts evaluated that although home economics science provides various methods of assessment, it has practical difficulties under current educational circumstances. Besides, the assessment methods failed to give concrete and objective standards.
Keywords: 가정과학, home economics science, 교육과정 평가, curriculum evaluation, 델파이 연구, Delphi study
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