가족의 건강성과 양육효능감 및 유아의 사회적 행동과의 관계 |
The Relationships between Family Strengths, Mothers' Self-Efficacy and Children's Social Behavior |
Sun-Young Kim, Ahn, Sun Hee |
Dept. of Child Development and Education, Myongji Univ., Major in Child & Family Studies, Kyung Hee Univ. |
The purpose of this study was to investigate relationships between the family strengths, mothers' self-efficacy, and their young children's teaming-related social skills and behavior problems. The subjects were the 217 children aged 4 to 6 years and their mothers at private child care centers in Seoul. The Family Strengths Scale and the Mothers' Self-Efficacy questionnaire were administered to the mothers. The teachers rated the learning-related social skills and problem behaviors of each child whose mother returned a set of Questionnaires. Analysis of variance revealed statistically significant differences in the family strengths according to the education level of the mothers. The mean the family strength score was higher for working mothers than for non-working mothers. The results of the test were statistically significant differences in the scores on the learning-related social skills and problem behaviors between boys and girls. The family strengths were positively correlated with the mothers' self-efficacy, and the learning-related social skills of the young children, while they were negatively correlated with problem behaviors. |
가족건강성, family strengths, 양육효능감, mothers` self-efficacy, 사회적 행동, social behavior, 학습관련 사회적 기술, Learning-related social skills |