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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2004;42(12):175-190.
수도권 주부의 취업유무에 따른 가사작업수행과 코하우징 요구의 차이
Housework Performance and Difference of Cohousing Need Depending on the Housewife's Employment Status in the Metropolitan area
Joo-Hee Hahn, Choi, Jung-Shin
Division. of Consumer & Housing Studies, Faculty of Human Ecology, The Catholic University of Korea
The purposed of this research was to suggest a basic material of Korean-typed cohousing plan for a dual-income family by examining the difference of cohousing residing environment needs. Selecting Employed and unemployed housewives as this research's subject, the following results were drawn from the analysis between the two groups. 1) The housewives takes responsibility of the household works regardless of whether or not they are employed. Also, more than half of employed housewives stated that the time of nursery facilities was shorter than their needs and that they favored a nursery facility located inside the residential area. 2) The most meaningful difference of cohousing residing environment needs was the demand for sharing household work in terms of cohousing need of the subjects. The desirable cohousing area is the suburbs of the metropolitan areas and the preferable resident organization is need to be organized by people sharing the same goal through an announcement. 3) The need of cohousing and residence intention were generally low, but the employed housewives' need was higher than the unemployed ones.
Keywords: 주부의 취업, Employment of housewife, 가족생활, Family Life, 코하우징 요구, Cohousing need
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