도시가구의 연금에 관한 연구 -홀벌이가구와 맞벌이가구의 공적연금을 중심으로- |
A Study on Public Pension Payments of Urban Households - Single Earner Households and Dual Earners Households - |
Soon-Mi Kim |
Dept. of Consumers' Life Information, Chungnam National University |
The purposes of this study were to examine urban household's monthly expenses for public pension and to analyze the contributing factors. Data for this study were from the 2002 Urban Household Survey and consisted of a sample of 21,093 urban households. Statistics used for the analysis were frequencies, means, ANOVA and multiple regression analysis. The major findings were as follows ; First, the average urban household monthly payment for the public pension was 104,036 won, consisting of 102,757 won for single earner households and 106,014 won for dual earner households. Second, the highest expenses for monthly public pension was urban households, followed by male household head(HH), HH's age from 41-50 years, HH's educational level was college, HH's job was public servant, family didn't live in Seoul, family w3s an extended family and family owned the house. Third, the significant factors affecting the urban household's monthly public pension were HH's gender, age, educational level, type of job, region, type of family, number of children, type of earner, monthly total income, increase of asset in a month and house ownership. |
공적연금, Public Pension, 홀벌이가구, Single Household, 맞벌이가구, Dual Earner Household, 은퇴설계, Retirement Planning |