Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2004;42(11):189-203.
여고생의 신체발달에 따른 신체이미지 및 자기존중감, 의복태도 형성모델
Formation Models of Body Image, Self-Esteem, and Clothing Attitudes as Related to Pubertal Physical Growth
Ae-Ran Koh, Lee, Soo-Gyoung
Dept. of Clothing and Textiles, Yonsei University
The purposes of this study were to identify 1) the effect of physical growth on body criticism from others and body image,2) the effect of body criticism from others on sociocultural attitude toward appearance, body image, and self-esteem, 3)the effect of sociocultural attitude toward appearance on body image, 4)the effect of body image on self=esteem and clothing attitude, and 5) the effect of self-esteem on clothing altitude on Korean female teenagers. The data were collected from 436 high school girls living in Seoul, Korea, via self-administered questionnaires, and were analyzed by factor analysis and LISREL models. The result of this study were as follows: 1) Among three measurement variables of physical growth, the height had a negative effect on body criticism from others. Sexual maturation positively influenced the affective aspect of body image. 2) Body criticism from others had a positive effect on the sociocultural attitude toward appearance and a negative effect on the affective aspect of body image. 3) The sociocultural altitude toward appearance had a negative effect on the affective aspect of body image and a positive effect on the cognitive/behavioral aspect of body image.4) The affective aspect of body image had a positive effect on the cognitive/behavioral aspect of body image, self-esteem, and clothing attitude. However, the cognitive/behavioral aspect of body image had a positive effect on clothing attitude.5) Self-esteem had no significant effect on clothing attitude.