Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2004;42(11):109-122.
취업모와 비취업모의 양육 스트레스
Parenting Stress of Employed and Unemployed Mothers
Hyuk Jun Moon
School of Human Ecology, The Catholic University of Korea
This study examined the characteristics of children, parents, family, and the extra context related to the parenting stress of employed and unemployed mothers from a broader perspective. The subjects were 323 employed mothers 3nd 300 unemployed mothers of pre-school age children. Parenting stress due to the role of being a parent for both employed and unemployed mothers was correlated with the chid's activity level, husband support, quality of life, available social support, and satisfaction of early childhood program's location. Parenting stress due to child-rearing of both employed and unemployed mothers was correlated with child's birth order, activity level and rhythmicity of child, husband support, quality of life, available social support, and satisfaction of early childhood program. Number of children was the strongest predictor of parenting stress due to the role of being a parent for employed mothers and the child's activity level for unemployed mothers. Besides, the child's activity level was the strongest predictor of parenting stress due to child-rearing for both employed and unemployed mothers.