Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2004;42(11):85-107.
남성정장 치수규격을 위한 성인 남성의 체형 연구(1) -상반신 체형을 중심으로-
A Study on the Figure Types af Adult Males for the Sizing System of Men′s Suits - Focusing on the Upper Body -
Hye-Young Lee, Jin-Sook Jo
Dept. of Fashion Design, Seokyeong University, Dept. of Clothing and Textiles, Ewha Womans University
This study classified figure types of adult males into several kinds of shape to provide fundamental data for their clothing sizing system. The subjects were 1496 men aged between 20 and 60 years old. Data were analyzed by factor analysis, cluster analysis and discriminant analysis. The results were as follows 1. For the result of the interview, the data were grouped into three age brackets: 20-35,31-45 and 41-60 years. 2. Factor analysis using values, which were measurements divided by either weight or height, was carried out to extract factors which characterize the various figures. fve factors to determine the figure types were extracted. 3. Cluster analysis using factor scores was carried out to categorize the figure types within the age groups. Figure types, describing shoulder angie and body shape, were categorized into 3 per age group. 4. Stepwise discriminant analysis w3s used to ensure that these clusters could be utilized with appropriate hit ratio. The hit ratio for each age group was around 80%.