신문기사를 통해 본 이혼 양상에 대한 내용분석(1) -1920~1930년대 조선,동아일보를 중심으로- |
The Content Analysis of Newspaper Articles on Divorce -Focusing on Choseun ilbo and Donga ilbo in the 1920′s and 1930′s - |
Kangyi Lee, Choi, Heayoung |
Dept. of Child & Family Studies, Seoul National Univ. |
In this study, the major tendencies of divorce as represented in articles of Korea's daily newspapers in the 1920's and 1930's were explored. The method used for this study was content analysis, and 432 articles related to divorce were selected for analysis from Choseun and Donga ilbo. The main categories and subcategories were classified as attitude toward divorce(negative, acceptive, neutral), present condition of divorce(statistics, suvey, analysis), cause of divorce(marital conflict, conflict with family, health-related troubles, financial troubles, and the others), and information offered about divorce(related-laws, prevention & adaptation, and the others). The major findings of this study were as follows. 1) The most frequently found category was the cause of divorce(given in 47.5% of the total articles), and especially noticeable was an increase of marital conflict. 2) In the case of attitude toward divorce(12.5%), percentiles of negative, acceptive, and neutral attitudes appeared nearly similarly, which is a representation of the transitional tendency of those times. 3) In the 1930's, information offering articles(25.2%) increased quantitatively as well as qualitatively compared with the 1920's. |
이혼, divorce, 내용분석, content analysis |