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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2004;42(10):143-152.
흰쥐에 레토르트 삼계탕의 투여가 혈청지질 및 혈당에 미치는 영향
The Effects of Serum Lipids and Blood Glucose on Retort Samgyetang Intake in Rats
Young-Hee Park
Dept. of Food Science, Dongshin University
This study presents the effects of serum lipids and blood glucose on retort Samgyetang intake in rats. For this purpose, we measured the ingredients and contents of Samgyetang, and produced a diet for experimental rats. The animal experiment was done in three different diet groups: control, Samgyetang(I) and Samgyetang(II). The results were as follows; 1) There was no sign of difference between the three groups in the body weight gain and food intake due to the effect of dietary component. 2) The density of serum triglyceride in the Samgyetang(II) group was decreased, but there was no sign of difference between the control group and Samgyetang(II). 3) There were no statistically significant differences of serum cholesterol and phospholipid among my of the diet groups. 4) The free fatty acid density and blood glucose level in the Samgyetang(I) and (II) groups were higher than in the control group. In the author's opinion, it is necessary to reexamine them for a long period through the animal experiment.
Keywords: 레토르트 삼계탕, retort Samgyetang, 혈청지질, serum lipids, 혈당, blood glucose
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