Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2004;42(10):23-38.
아동의 사회적 유능성에 관련된 변인 연구
Relevant Variables of children's Social Competence
Hyuk Jun Moon, Kim, Jung Hee
Dept. of Child & Family Studies. The Catholic Univ. of Korea
This study firstly investigated the relationships of children's social competence with the relevant factors such as mother's parental role satisfaction and parenting behaviors and secondly analyzed if parenting behaviors function as mediators. The subjects were 1865-year-old children and their mothers. The results showed that children's social competence was related to the children's sex, health, and mother's academic career. Children's social competence was influenced by the relation satisfaction between parents and children, the role conflict between wife and husband, the mother s warm-hearted and rational parenting, and the wife's satisfaction of her husband's support. The mother's warm-hearted and rational parenting functioned as a mediator(intermediary factor) between the children's social competence and the mother's parental role satisfaction.