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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2004;42(9):135-147.
휴대폰 중독적 사용 청소년의 MMPI 특성
Characteristics of MMPI of Adolescent Cellular Phone Addicts
Kyung Im Baik, Park, soon Cheon
Dept. of Home Economic, Dongguk Univ.
The purposes of this study were to investigate the actual conditions and deal with the psychological characteristics of adolescent cellular phone addicts through the Minnesota Multiphase Personality Inventory (MMPI). The subjects of this study were 407 senior high school students (male 185, female 222) in 2nd grade in Daegu. The cellular phone addiction inventory (CPAI) was designed on the basis of an interview process, referring to the Young's Internet Addiction Self Diagnosis Scale. SPSS version 10.0 was employed for data analysis. The mean score of the adolescent addict group was significantly higher than the non-addict group in Scale Pd, Pa, Pt, Sc and Ma. This result indicates that the cellular phone addict group is likely to suffer from more serious pathological disorders than the non-addict group. The rate of addictive adolescents was significantly higher in the addict group than in the non-addict group in psychological problematic score ranges in Scale Sc (Schizophrenia) and Ma (Hypomania). The study result suggests that adolescents who addictively use a cellular phone will be more likely to show immaturity, instability, impulsive personality, excessive activities, and escapism.
Keywords: 휴대폰, cellular phone, 청소년, adolescent, 다면적 인성검사, MMPI, 정신분열증, Sc, Schizophrenia, 경조증, Ma, Hypomania
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