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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2004;42(9):111-134.
도시 취업주부의 라이프스타일과 환경친화적 행동에 관한 연구
The Life Style of Urban Empolyed Wives and Pro-Environmental Behavior
Soon-Hee Byun, Sun-Ja Kye
Dept. of Home Management, Sookmyung Women's Universty
The purpose of this dissertation is firstly to examine the level of pro-environmental behavior of urban employed wives depending on their life style type and secondly to identify effective ways to promote their pro-environmental behavior. A structured questionnaire interview was conducted with 700 urban employed wives who lived in the Seoul Metropolitan area, and 566 of the responses were valid for analysis. For statistical analysis, this research reviewed the frequencies, percentage, mean, standard deviation(SD), Pearson's correlations, Cronbach's u, factor analysis, cluster analysis, ANOVA, χ²-test, Duncan's Multiple Range Test, and multiple regression using SPSS/PC WIN. The findings of analysis of the study are as follows: 1. Among life style types of employed wives, the order of ecological value was orientation type (37.3%), followed by economical value orientation type (25.8%), uninterested type (18.7%), and convenience-centric value orientation type (18.2%).Pro-environmental behavior scored relatively highly at 3.45 in average. 2. In the analysis of the relationship between life style and background variations, every variation except environmental knowledge was meaningful. 3. In the relationship between pro-environment behavior and background variations, every variation was meaningful except housing types, having helper or not, and environmental knowledge. 4. The recognition level of environmental pollution was important among the variations affecting pro-environmental behavior. 5. There was a difference in pro-environmental behaviors by the following life style types: ecological value orientation, economical value orientation, convenience centric orientation and uninterested. 6. For the relative contribution comparison of background variations (socio-economic variation and environmental variation) and life style variations to the pro-environmental behavior of urban empolyed wives, this research additionally applied each independent variable group. As a result, the explanation level drastically increased in the third step that analyzed the relationship with life style.
Keywords: 생활양식, Life-style, 환경친화적 행동, Pro-environmental behavior, 환경지식, Environmental knowledge
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