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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2004;42(9):19-35.
벨기에 패션디자인에 나타난 "창조성" 연구
A Study on ′Creativity′ in Belgian Fashion Design
Hye Joo Lee
Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Chung-Ang Universty
Creative design acquires value-added quality in fashion business. The anti-aesthetic Belgian designers who have been rebelling within strict rules are admired internationally, having reached the top-ten lists in the Journal do Textile in the 1990s. Moreover, they have set the trend in new progressive fashion. In the age of domination by marketing, these people have succeeded in, their integrity, their free spirits, and their passion for what they do. The interaction between their creativity, which is visible throughout their design process, and commercial interests is the key to the success of Belgian fashion. It is also noteworthy that the designing process is strongly linked together with flexible coordination. This analysis on the creativity of Belgian fashion design based on theoretical studies and interviews with Belgian designers from magazines and newspapers. The research includes the following main topics: 1. Analysis on the creativity of designing process. 2. Analysis on characteristics of Belgian fashion design.
Keywords: 창조성, Creativity, 기호학. Semiotics, 컬렉션, Collection
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