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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2004;42(8):219-233.
재무교육이 미국 대학생들의 주관적 재정관리 행동문제 인지에 미치는 영향
The Effects of Financial Education on the Perceived Financial Management Problems of U.S. College Students
Eunyoung Baek, Mi Kyeong Bae, Seung Sin Lee
School of Economics, Sungkyunkwan University, Department of Consumer Information, Keimyung University, Department of consumer Science & Housing, Konkuk University
The purpose of this study was to examine the financial education needs of college students and how financial education affected their perceived financial management problems. The results indicated that the need for personal financial management of the students was relatively high and that students were interested in various topics withinpersonal financial management. Formal financial education was found to have a positive impact on students' financial management behavior by reducing the probability of having problems with managing financial affairs. In addition, students' use of credit cards played a significant role in predicting problems with managing financial affairs. Several implications based on the findings were suggested.
Keywords: 재무교육 요구도, Financial education needs, 재무관리 행동, Financial management behavior, 신용카드 사용, The use of credit cards
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