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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2004;42(8):187-201.
신 귀족성향 소비문화계층에 관한 고찰 -보보스(Bobos)와 포쉬(POSH)를 중심으로-
A Study on the Class of Consumption Culture - Focused on Bobos and POSH -
Haeyun Lee, Munyoung Kim, Kwanghee Park
Dept. of Clothing & Textiled, Graduate School, Keimyung Univ, Dept. of Fashion Merchandising, Keimyung Univ
This study identified the characteristics of the consumer culture of the American Bobos(Bourgeois Bohemian) and the British POSH(Port Out, Starboard Home) and their influence on the consumption culture in Korea. The sociocultural background, values and consumption patterns of both Bobos and POSH were analyzed through a literature survey. Korean periodicals were analyzed to identify the influence of Bobos and POSH on the Korean consumer culture. The results suggested that the characteristics of both Bobos and POSH were reflected in their lifestyles or values through their consumption and possessions. In addition, it was found that Korean consumers appeared to be more influenced by Bobosthan POSH.
Keywords: 라이프스타일, lifestyle, 보보스, Bobos, 포쉬, POSH, 소비문화, consumption culture
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