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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2004;42(8):147-167.
조선시대 아동교육용 문헌에 나타난 정서과정에 대한 규범적 기대(1)
A Study on Nonnative Expectation of Emotional Process in Children′s Textbooks of the Chosen Dynasty (I)
Yangjai Shin
Dept. of Child & Family Studies, Seoul National Univ.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the nonnative expectations of anger, sadness, fear, and shame in Korean culture by analyzing the textbooks for children's education in the Chosen Dynasty period. The method of this study was document analysis and the materials for analysis were the following four textbooks for children's education that involved individual ethics in everyday life based on Confucianism: 'Dongmongsenspj, 'Gyukmongyogyulj, 'Myungsimbogamj, and 'Sohakj. The analysis was focused on the antecedent events, emotional consequences, and emotional regulations in the emotional processes of anger, sadness, fear, and shame. According to the analysis, anger was caused by ought violations, especially sociomoral violations, and the expression of anger brought about undesirable results, and the inhibition of anger was expected as the regulation rule. Also, many methods of regulating anger were encouraged in the textbooks. For example, one of the regulating methods was to appraise a situation in such a way that anger would not arise. in other hand, sadness was allowed to be expressed only at the death of parents, and the expression of sadness stood for filial piety. Meanwhile, the antecedents of fear were the events to threaten self-esteem, which was mainly focused on keeping moral and social standards. Also the social consequence of fear led to observance of the social norms, and thereby could gain social approval. Therefore, the regulation rule was the enhancement of fear because of anticipated advantageous effects. Finally, the main cause of shame arousal was negative evaluation of self caused by bad performance of ethical or social standards. Accordingly, having shame could prevent wrong behaviors or transgressions which might break interpersonal connectedness, and the regulation rule of shame was to enhance this because of contributing to collective relationship.
Keywords: 정서의 유발상황, antecedent events of emotion, 정서의 결과, emotional consequences, 정서조절, emotional regulations, 정서의 억제, inhibition of emotion, 정서의 고양, enhancement of emotion
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A Study on Normative Expectation of Emotional Process in Children′s Tectbooks of the Chosen Dynasty(II)  2004 November;42(11)
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