Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2004;42(7):103-118.
온라인 소비자의 패션제품 구매 만족도의 영향변인 연구 -인터넷 패션제품 이용경험과 구매의도를 중심으로 -
A Study on the Determinative Factors for On-line Consumer Satisfaction in Fashion Products - Focused on the Purchasing Experience and Future Purchasing Intention of Internet Fashion Products-
이승민, 구양숙
섬유패션기능대학 패션 마케팅과, 경북대학교 의류학과
The purpose of this study was to investigate the discriminative factors of on-line consumer satisfaction. Data were obtained from an online questionnaire survey with 1089 online shoppers who had the experience of either purchasing or visiting a fashion on-line shopping mall from the panel of an online survey agency( and 1049 responses were analyzed. For analysis of data, descriptive analysis, Cronbach's α, χ²-test, one-wav ANOVA, Ducan test and stepwise regression analysis were applied. The results of this study were as follows: Firstly as a result of differences of purchasing experience and future purchasing intention via internet, 4 consumer groups were generated: internet patronizing group, trial and unsatisfied experience group, future purchasing intention group, and internet carelessness group. Secondly each group differences was found in demographic variables such as age, marital status, income and employment status. Croup differences were also found in personal, product, and store variables except tangibility. According to consumer groups, different factors were directly impact on consumer satisfaction.