Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2004;42(5):107-126.
인터넷 활용이 효용성 인지 및 부정적 인지에 미치는 영향 -온라인 조사업체 패널의 기혼자 집단을 중심으로-
An Effect of Internet Usage on the Awareness of Utility and Negativeness -Focusing on the On-Line Panel of Married Men and Women-
대전대학교 아동벤처산업학과
As the information society matures, an analysis on possible outputs of internet usage is needed. Thus, this study was peformed in order to understand the utility cognition and negative outputs of internet users. The method used in this study was a web-based questionnaire that was administered to the internet users. Five hundred married men and women were analyzed with a factor and a multiple regression analysis. Results were as follows: First, many kinds of internet usages - information searching, internet shopping, electronic mail, instant messaging, and decision-making dependent on internet information - were differentiated with age. Second, the altitude about the internet was an important explanatory variable in the types of internet usage. Third, negative outputs of internet usage were great in terms of information resource management and unbalanced scheduling in daily time spent. Fourth, utility cognition was affected by qualitative elements on internet usage more than the quantitative ones.