Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1980;18(1):53-66.
논문편 - 식생활편 : 식생활관리 실태에 관한 연구 - 서울시내 주부를 중심으로 -
A Study on the Survey of the Meal Management
Young Sang Yoo
One of the most pressing problems of the day in our household economy is the scientific improvement of meal management, which has direct bearings on the efficiency of housewives, domestic economy, and health care for the whole family. The concern of this paper is to investigate the current meal management situation in which more than three hundred housewives in Seoul find themselves, and to propose a tentative plan for its improvement. The result of the investigation is summarized as follows : 1) The number of families with old-fashioned kitchens forms a percentage of 30.3 ; only 4.3 percent of them have waterworks and drainage system. 2) The number of families equipped with cooking machines and utensils constitutes 51.2 percent ; that of those without cooking machines reaches the high percentage of 92.8. 3) The expense for daily meals amounts to 37.9 percent of the whole domestic expenses. the number of those who prepare daily meals without any planning comprises 78 percent. It is from habit that 60.5 percent of them make no workable plan for their meals. 4) The frequency of housewives doing daily marketing is comparatively high. 5) The time spent in preparing and clearing the table is 280.4 minutes a day on the average. 6) In preparing daily meals the low income bracket tends to keep expense as low as possible, while the high income bracket is chiefly concerned with taste. 7) The frequency of home cooking is on the increase as the housewives grow older, especially in the large families with housemaids. 8) In most cases housewives do the cooking for themselves; the high income brackets have housemaids do the cooking. The number of husbands who help their wives do kitchen work a small percentage of 10-14. 9) The simplification of kitchen work presupposes the simplification of the daily cooking, the improvement of the structure and equipment of the kitchen, and a good help of the whole family.