Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 1980;18(1):41-46.
논문편 - 식생활편 : 금속이온이 대두유의 산패에 (酸敗) 미치는 영향
Effect of Metal Ions on the Rancidity of Soybean Oil
Kook Yi Yim
In order to verify to what extent the rancidity of the soybean oil is occurred and how the various metal ions effect on the rancidity-as a result of applying heat to the soybean oil-the followings are obtained through experiments : 1. From analyzing the refractive index of soybean oil, The results are: the specific gravity-0.925 refractive index-1.475, saponification value-190, acetyl value-5.0, iodine value-120, peroxide value-5.0. 2. The degree of expediting rancidity take the following order : /////. 3. The degree of expediting rancidity of and is showed the abrubt increase of peroxide value in accordance with the increase of densidity. The most abrubt increase of peroxide show when the duration of heating reaches to the range between 20 minutes and 30 minutes. After heating for 60 minutes no definite variation is showed. 4. The degree of rancidity in heating the soybean oil added , Fe and BHA shows the decrease of peroxide value by 2, 3 after adding 0.5 ppm. and heating for 30 minutes. As the result of measuring the value of peroxide after adding by 1.0 ppm and BHA by 0.01% and heating, peroxide shows the decrease by 7.8 when adding anti-oxidant. as well as shows that BHA prevents the metal ions from the expedition of rancidity.