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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2004;42(1):181-195.
연변 조선족아동의 미디어환경 및 미디어이용실태와 이중언어발달
The media environment, media use, and bilingual development among Korea-Chinese children in Yanji, China
박혜원, 원영미, 이귀옥
울산대학교 아동·가정복지전공,경성대학교 유아교육과,경성대학교 생활과학부
The purpose of the study was to explore the degree of children's access to media and the relationship between the use of media and language development of Korean-Chinese bilingual children in Yanji, China. Questionnaires were answered by 258 4th graders and their parents. The results showed that the children had an access to a variety of media. The children's use of language(Korean/ Chinese) differed to the type of media: they had more access to Korean language in the use of newspapers/magazines, books, and radio, and to Chinese language in the use of computer. They had comparatively a balanced access to Korean/chinese language in the use of TV. Stepwise regression analyses revealed that the children's access to Chinese language in the use of media, proficiency of a parent's Chinese language, and a parent's affection were related to proficiency of the children's Chinese language. Implications are derived from the use of media in development of bilingualism.
Keywords: 조선족아동, Korean-Chinese children, 미디어, media, 이중언어, bilingualism
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