Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2003;41(12):245-255.
유아의 가작화 놀이에서 상위놀이전략에 대한 분석 연구
An Analysis of Metaplay Strategies in Preschoolers′ Social Pretend Play
가톨릭대학교 아동학과
This study examined young children's metaplay. 84 preschool subjects were videotaped as they engaged in pretend play with the same-aged peers. Dyads were identified as engaging in frequent or infrequent pretend play. Results showed that frequent pretend play dyads more engaged in request for clarification, and persuading than infrequent pretend dyads. Frequent pretend dvads were more likely to use disagreeing with reason and extending. It was concluded that developmentally useful interactions transpire outside of the pretend frame.