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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2003;41(11):11-20.
패션쇼 연출기획의 사례분석연구
An Analysis of the Case Study on Fashion Show Planning and Production
오현남, 김현주
서울여자대학교 의류학과
The purpose of this study is : first, to examine factors of fashion show planning and production and to classify types of fashion show planning and production: second, to compare and analyze the factors through a case analysis to defined their differences. For the purpose, data are collected to compare and analyze from literature as well as the interview with fashion show planning and production companies in Korea. The result shows that all the factors are considered on a practical level except security and publicity among 15 factors presented in literature : the purpose of the show, target spectators, product selection, product prices, type of show, size, location, models, time of show, duration, theme, security, budget, and publicity. Show types are divided into national brands, designer brands, imported brands, and collections. The result of the comparison and analysis of the factors of the planning and production by type shows that factors vary greatly depending on the purpose of the show, target spectators, and form of the show and products. By analyzing the case study on fashion show planning and production on a practical level, the study recognizing the need of specialized development of fashion show planning in Korea's fashion industry, is a basic process of theory systematization for the planning and production in its marketing aspects, and will provide relevant theories in such aspects for those who want to enter into the field.
Keywords: 패션쇼, fashion show, 연출기획요인, planning and production factors, 패션쇼 기획사, fashion show planning and production companies, 패션쇼 유형, fashion show type, 트렌드, trend
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