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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2003;41(8):159-178.
패션 웹 사이트의 색채 특성과 이미지
Characteristics of Colors and Color Images on fashion Web Sites
전남대학교 생활과학대학 의류학과, 전남대학교 생활과학 연구소
The purpose of this research is to analyze the characteristics of colors and color images on fashion web sites, and to provide efficient color informatiom which is useful in color planning and is suitable for brand image on fashion web sites.216 color sample used by 48 fashion web sites were collected and analyzed. The results of this study are as follows; First, dominant colors on fashion web sites are neutral color such as white, gray, black and warm colors such as red, yellow red, yellow. Except blue, cool colors show low usage ratio. Second, the color tones of vivid, strong, light, dull, dark, dark grayish were shown in order. Third, the color images on fashion web sites are casual, modem, romantic, natural, elegant, chic, classic, dandy, pretty, clear, cool casual, dynamic, gorgeous, ethnic and formal.
Keywords: 패션 웹 사이트, fashion web site, 색채 이미지, color image, 색채 이미지 공간, color image scale, 메인 컬러, main color, 서브 컬러, sub color, 액센트 컬러, accent color
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