The purpose or this study was to examine the effect or maternal parenting experience, mediated by maternal depression, marital conflict, and parenting behavior, on school children's maladjustment. The theoretical model was specified and estimated. Subject of this study consisted of 637 mothers having elementary students(from 5th to 6th grade) drawn from 4 elementary schools in Cheong-ju city. Maternal parenting experience in childhood had an indirect effect on school children's maladjustment mediated by maternal depression. Maternal permissive parenting experience had more strong relationship with maternal depression rather than authoritative parenting behavior. Maternal depression, marital conflict, parenting behavior were directly effected on school children's maladjustment. Maternal depression were significantly effected on children's maladjustment indirectly mediated by marital conflict and parenting behavior Maternal depression was the most important factor predicting marital conflict, parenting behavior, and school children's Maladjustment.