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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2003;41(8):63-77.
성인 여성의 연령대별 기성복 치수 선택 실태 조사 -구호칭을 중심으로-
A Study on the Actual Status Regarding the Size Selection for Ready-to-Wear by the Age Range of Adult Women - By the Old Size System -
석혜정, 김인숙
경희대학교 의상학과,경희대학교 의상학과
The objective of this study is to investigate the actual status regarding the size selection for jackets, skirts, and slacks among the ready-to-wears worn by adult women, and to examine the physical measurements of major parts for the women wearing each dress size. The data collection was made through the questionnaires obtained from 699 adult women of 20 to 59 years of age. The questionnaire is composed of the sizes of ready-to-wears worn and physical measurements of the respondents. The data analysis was conducted through description statistics, Crosstabs, ANOVA. The findings are as follows. 1. The differences were found in the sizes of ready-to-wears worn by adult women along the age ranges. 2. The ratios of correspondence for the sizes of jackets and skirts and for the sizes of jackets and slacks were as high as 77.3% and 78.3%, respectively. 3. The differences were found in every physical measurement item of the jacket wearers by the size. The girth items showed an increase with the larger sizes of jackets, whereas the height was the largest for the wearers of Sizes 55 and 66, regardless of the jacket sizes. The differences in the physical measurements by the age range, among the jacket wearers of the same size, were found in the height and the waist girth. The height was lower and the waist girth was larger, with the older age. In addition, the differences in the wearers' physical measurements, by the jacket size of the same age range, were found in every item including the height among those in their 20's, and in every item excluding the height among those in their 30's or the above.
Keywords: 기성복, ready-to-wear, 신체 치수, body size, 치수, size
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