Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2003;41(8):1-17.
북한이탈여성들의 삶 이야기: 해석학적 현상학을 통한 중국생활체험 분석
North Korean female Defectors' Voices: Hermeneutical Phenomenological Analysis of the Lived Experiences in China
김태현, 노치영
성신여자대학교 가족문화ㆍ소비자학과,이화여자대학교 인간생활환경연구소
The purpose of this study is to understand North Korean female defectors' experiences in China. 13 female defectors were interviewed. Before they extricated from North Korea, they expected to make money to survive with their family in North Korea. But it couldn't be done because they didn't have legal status in China. They were at the risk of exposing to traffickers in females and of repatriation to North Korea. Surviving in China, they realized they were “Chosun(North Korean) females”; it meant they were in extremely poor and were sold by traffickers. It made them put to shame and be hurt their pride as a Chosun national identity. On the other hand, they realized they had narrow experiences and a limited outlook on international issues. They made themselves accustomed to freedom from the Chinese Revolution ; some of them experienced achievement. In general, they were satisfied with physical needs, but lacks of safety and worth in life. Even though, they couldn't return to North Korea because they were afraid of being punished by their government, and of striking their family a fatal blow in their successful lives of the society.