Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2003;41(7):59-71.
러시아 연해주 지역의 한인 주거에 관한 연구 -문헌고찰과 현지 답사를 통한 1930년대 이전의 한인주거 분석-
Study on the Dwellings of Korean Diaspora in Yunhaju of Russia pre-1930's - Focusing on Analysis of related documents and Interviewing in Yunhaju -
이영심, 조재순, 이상해
성균관대학교 건축학과,한국교원대 가정교육과,성균관대학교 건축학과
Koreans were started moving to Yunhaju in Russia for escaping from tyrannical rule and famine in 1860's in Korea. Social and political situation of Russia were made it very hard to get to know about Korean's life there so far. But it was known that Korean Diaspora has been kept traditional way of living in without contacts between Korea for 140 years. This study examined the dwellings of Korean Diaspora in Yunhaju through reviewing related documents and records firstly and had a time to visit places which Koreans lived since 1860's for example Posyet(equation omitted), Suifen(equation omitted), Ussuriisk(equation omitted), Vladivostok(equation omitted), Partizansk(equation omitted) and took interviews with Koreans who lived there pre 1930's. Results of research were as following : 1) A first place to settle down for Koreans in Yunhaju was Posye(equation omitted) and scattered as time goes by far away from there. 2) Koreans were helping each other for living and they had their own self managing organizations in village there. 3) The villages which was made in Yunhaju by Koreans in the beginning were similar to traditional ones in Korea. 4) It was verified that dwellings which was built by Koreans in Yunhaju were similar to ones in north area in Korea. At that time lots of Korean Diaspora came from north part and they kept their own traditional way of building houses there for a long time. 5) Korean Diaspora have been kept traditional heating system ‘Ondol’ in their various types of houses until now in Yunhaju. Moreover, it is known that Russians prefer to set ‘Ondol’ in their houses recently as a very special and expensive heating system. This study would be a very good opportunity to standing out Korean history of housing in Yunhaju as well as evaluating their identification as Koreans. For this, it is needed to take more deep research in specific areas which could see more various types of housing and could compare ones between two countries.