Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2003;41(7):39-58.
기혼여성의 성과 결혼만족도
Sexuality and Marital Satisfaction of Married Women
이경옥, 김영희
아동가족 상담연구소,충북대학교 생활과학대학 아동복지학과
The Purpose of this study explored how sexual and marital satisfaction were influenced by various sexual variables such as sexual communication, sexual function of wives and husbands, sexual compatibility, attitude toward sex, knowledge of sex, times of sexual relation, duration of a sexual intercourse and frequency of orgasm. Subject of this study was 221 married women aged between 20 and 49 years old. And, SPSSWIN and LISREL(Linear Structural Relationship) Ⅷ program was applied to analyze data. The proposed theoretical model was supported by the data and fitted adequately. As the result, there was a statistically effect of sexual communication, sexual compatibility and times of sexual relations, intermediated by sexual satisfaction, on marital satisfaction.