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Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association 2003;41(6):131-142.
사회인구학적 변수와 물질주의가 쾌락적,효용적 쇼핑가치에 미치는 영향: 서울과 울산의 중,고등,대학생을 대상으로
Effect of Socio-Economic Variables and Materialism on Hedonic and Utilitarian Shopping Value: Middle, High and College Students in Seoul and Ulsan
울산대학교 생활과학대학 아동가정복지학과
Consumer researchers' growing interest in consumer experience has revealed that many consumption activities produce both hedonic and utilitarian outcomes. The personal shopping value also has both hedonic and utilitarian dimension. This article describes the effect of socio-economic variables and materialism on hedonic and utilitarian shopping value. 820 middle, high and college students in Seoul and Ulsan were surveyed. A moderate degree of positive intercorrelation between hedonic and utilitarian shopping value support the trend of consumption ambivalence. Materialism is positively related to hedonic and utilitarian shopping value. While age is negatively related to utilitarian shopping value, it is unrelated to hedonic shopping value. The mean scores of hedonic and utilitarian shopping value in Ulsan is higher than in Seoul.
Keywords: 물질주의, materialism, 쾌락적 쇼핑가치, hedonic shopping value, 효용적 쇼핑가치, utilitarian shopping value
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